Neglected or Poorly managed Hypertension has been, amongst others, the mother of Stroke, Heart Failure and Kidney Failure. These are the leading causes of death in Africa particularly during the prime age.
However, a Nigerian Medical Doctor produced a game changer through iconic technology. In this short video, Dr Richard Okoye, Chairman Savealife Group, reveals what inspired him to invent the First Digital BP Monitor that is set to Save Africans from Stroke, Heart/Kidney Failure.
Most interestingly, he demonstrated how BP measured by any one, any where and at anytime can be transmitted real time to his or her doctor or hospital for early intervention. Using Sim Card and Lithiun battery remains the master stroke of his technology.
TRULY NO BETTER TIME THAN NOW TO FEEL PROUD OF BEING AN AFRICAN.. This short video says it all. For more info call or whatsapp 08100000851.
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