Ramadan is such a big deal for us Muslims, and we cannot be more happy that Allah has given us the gift of life so that we can experience this delightful spiritual adventure again.

But while Ramadan is such an important exercise for drawing us closer to our creator, there's a thin line between an acceptable sacrifice and one that's unacceptable to our most merciful God.

Today, let's talk about holiness during Ramadan. Of course, you know that this period is unlike others, so you'd need to observe it in all holiness.

Here, let's review tips that can help you stay holy throughout this month.

ALSO READ: Ramadan Day 2: Prayers, hadith, and rewarding deed

Tame your tongue

Ramadan is not just about restricting our bodies from food and drink. It is also a time to polish our characters with righteous deeds and become the best version of ourselves in words, deeds and actions.

It makes no sense to avoid food when our actions do not concur with our words. Allah warns against fasting the body but failing to desist from foul words, slander, and backbiting.

So this is the time to watch your tongue to avoid sinning with it.

Organise yourself

ALSO READ: Ramadan Day 1: Prayers and hadith of the day

This may seem like basic advice, but you'd be surprised by how many people falter in organising and planning themselves before and during Ramadan.

It sounds simple, but preparing and organising yourself is a goldmine that always helps you achieve a satisfying spiritual exercise.

So now's the time to plan what you want to achieve this Ramadan and what you must do to achieve them.

Make sincere dua

There's no better time to focus on connecting with Allah than now. Making sincere dua represents this connection, demonstrating submission, humility, and a genuine request for his help.

Spend as much time as possible in prayer, making heartfelt supplications for yourself and others.

ALSO READ: The Best Foods To Eat For Sahur

Deep Qur'an recitation

The holy Qur'an, Islam's sacred scripture, is of immense significance during the holy month of Ramadan. Dedicate time to reading it with reflection and understanding, pondering its meaning and applying its teachings to your life.

Jump to the third pillar of Islam – Zakat!

Fasting and prayer are certainly not the only two forms of worship! Don't forget charity – which doesn't always have to be financial.

ALSO READ: Here are healthy practices you need for smooth Ramadan journey

I’ve seen others around me engage themselves in activities such as packing goods for the poor, preparing food for their neighbours & relatives, lending a hand at their local Masjid, teaching children with disabilities, and so on.

All these are also considered forms of charity! Allah reminds us of this in the Quran.