Maharashtra has emerged as the frontrunner in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), with the state having already received 95 per cent of its annual average FDI inflow in just the first six months of the financial year 2024-25, stated Maharashta Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Friday. The achievement was announced by Devendra Fadnavis on social media platform X who expressed immense pride in the states ongoing success in attracting the investments. According to the figures provided by Chief Minister, Maharashtra outperformed all other states in terms of FDI input, accounting for approximately 31.48% of the nations total inflow during this time.Fadnavis shared the latest FDI figures for the second quarter ending in September 2024, revealing that Maharashtra has secured a total of Rs 1,13,236 crore in foreign investment from April to September. This is a significant 94.71 per cent of the total average FDI received by the state over the last four years, which stands at Rs 1,19,556 crore annually.