Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed in his apartment in Mumbai's upscale Bandra area in the early hours of Thursday. Police have formed 20 teams to track down and nab the intruder, who was armed with a wooden stick and a long Hexa blade. The incident occurred during a "burglary attempt" in the apartment housed in `Satguru Sharan' building. The CCTV footage captured at 2.33 am clearly showed the young suspect's face. He is seen wearing a brown collared T-shirt and red scarf or `gamcha' while descending the stairs on the sixth floor of the building. The 54-year-old actor lives on the 12th floor. Besides Khan, a 56-year-old staff nurse at the house, Eliyama Philip, who is the complainant, and a domestic help suffered blade injuries in the incident.