A 13-year-old girl from Agra, who dreamt of becoming an IAS officer, has renounced worldly life and become a Sadhvi at the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj. The girl, Rakhi, was influenced by the teachings of Mahant Kaushal Giri Maharaj of Juna Akhara, who had been conducting Bhagwat Katha sessions in her village for the past three years. Rakhi's parents, accepting her decision as divine will, entrusted her to the Juna Akhara. The family, who had rented a home in Agra specifically to educate their daughters, say that Rakhi experienced detachment from worldly life during the Maha Kumbh. The girl will be formally inducted into the ashram on January 19 after religious ceremonies.