Hyundai Motor India, which launched the Creta Electric starting at Rs 17.99 lakh, said that the introduction of this model could be the tipping point for India’s EV sales growth this year. In the mid- to long-term, the company is eyeing a market share of over 14 percent in the EV segment owing to the Creta Electric and future launches.
“India is at an early stage of electrification. Last year, four-wheeler EV volume was about a lakh, with a penetration of 2.5 percent By 2030, probably the penetration will be 15 to 20 percent. We think that 2025 and 2026 will be the trigger years where the volume jumps and Creta Electric could be the big trigger for that to happen,” Tarun Garg, Chief Operating Officer, Hyundai Motor India said at the Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025.
He explained that when Hyundai launched the Creta in 2015, SUVs made up just 13 percent of the overall market. The Creta revolutionized this segment, and today, SUVs account for 53 percent of the market, with Hyundai’s internal SUV share reaching 68 percent. Garg believes the Creta Electric could have a similar impact on the EV sector, with the electric vehicle market potentially doubling by 2026.
“We have sold 1.1 million (11 lakh) Cretas so far. When a big transformation like ICE to EV is happening, customers are looking for reliability. Customers are looking for comfort. Creta Electric will be a big trigger for customers to really see and buy it for a strong brand, a strong product, a great technology, charging infrastructure, and, of course, the great price,” he said.
Creta sold nearly 1.9 lakh units last year, marking an 18 percent growth. However, Garg refrained from putting specific numbers on future sales of Creta Electric. "I will not like to put a number to it, because numbers restrict you. At the same time, I would say that our production lines are very fungible. As the demand will come, we will keep on looking at the market,” Garg adds.
Hyundai's Creta Electric comes in two battery options: a 42kWh with a 390km MIDC range and a 135hp motor, and a 51.4kWh boasting a 473km range and 171hp motor. With a price range of Rs 17.99 lakh-23.50 lakh (ex-showroom), it is priced higher than the Tata Curvv EV (Rs 17.49 lakh-21.99 lakh), but undercuts the MG ZS EV (Rs 18.98 lakh-26.64 lakh) and Mahindra BE 6 (Rs 18.90 lakh-26.90 lakh).
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