Tulu Nadu’s recent cinematic sensation, Daskath, is set to reach new audiences as it gears up for a Kannada release. Directed by Aneesh Poojary Venur of Comedy Kiladi fame, the film has already marked 25 days of success in Tulu Nadu and is now being screened in Bengaluru.

The announcement of the Kannada version has added to the excitement surrounding the movie. The dubbing process is currently underway, with director Aneesh Poojary confirming that the Kannada release is planned in the coming weeks. Producer Jagadish N., who has acquired the Kannada and pan-India distribution rights, is leading the efforts for this transition.

Produced under the Seventy-Seven Studios banner by Raghavendra Kudva, the film is presented by former minister Krishna J. Palemar. The technical team includes Santosh Acharya Gumpalaje as the cinematographer, Ganesh Neerchal as the editor, and Samarthan S. Rao as the music composer. Prajnesh Shetty has contributed as the executive producer.

The star cast features Bhavya Poojary, famed for her performance in the TV series Neenade Naa, in the lead role. Supporting roles are played by Dikshith K Andinje, Chandrahas Ullal, Yuva Shetty, Mohan Shetty, Deepak Rai Panaje, and others.

With its unique storytelling and compelling performances, Daskath has already captivated Tulu audiences. The upcoming Kannada release is expected to widen the film’s appeal and cement its success further. Fans eagerly await the launch, anticipating another milestone for the regional hit.