The Indian cricket team will adhere to dress code set by the International Cricket Council (ICC) during the upcoming Champions Trophy, BCCI secretary Devajit Saikia told PTI on Wednesday, rejecting speculation that the Board had objected to host Pakistan’s name on the official jersey for the side.
The Champions Trophy will be held from February 19 and India will play its share of matches in Dubai after citing security concerns as the reason for refusing to travel to Pakistan.
“BCCI will follow every uniform-related ICC rule during Champions Trophy,” Saikia told PTI.
“Whatever the other teams will do regarding the logo and dress code, we are going to follow in true letter and spirit,” he added.
However, Saikia said that whether national captain Rohit Sharma participates in the ICC’s pre-tournament engagements, including a press conference and official photo shoot, in Lahore is still being discussed.
“Whether Rohit Sharma travels to Pakistan for ICC media engagements is something that’s still not decided,” Saikia added.