Hyderabad: The Rachakonda police, who are verifying the claims of an ex-serviceman here, who claimed to have killed his wife, dismembered her body and boiled the parts in a pressure cooker, are yet to get a breakthrough in the case.
The officials are faced with a challenging situation as they are yet to recover the woman’s mortal remains, though the suspect had already been picked up, who claimed to have dumped his wife’s body parts in a lake.
“Efforts were made, but the body parts could not be found. It still looks like a missing case. The suspect is being questioned. Efforts were being made to obtain clues with regard to the woman going missing and other aspects of the case,” a police official told PTI.
The parents of the woman raised suspicion of the woman’s husband, another official said.
On the other hand, no other leads were immediately available to take the investigation forward on a different track, police said.
Meanwhile, some residents in the building where the family of the deceased lived at New Venkateshwara Colony at Jillelaguda here, vacated or temporarily moved out of their flats out of fear of the gory crime that allegedly occurred in their residential premises.
Gurumurthy, the suspect, an ex-serviceman, was currently employed as a security guard.
He had even accompanied his in-laws when they lodged a complaint with the Meerpet police on January 18.
Police had registered an FIR as ‘woman missing’.
As per the FIR, the wife quarreled with Gurumurthy on January 16 and left their home without intimation to anyone. She did not return home, prompting the relatives to lodge a complaint.
Gurumuthy is a native of Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh. The couple had two children.