The Delhi Police apprehended three women, members of the Kadiya gang, known for their involvement in thefts across metro cities, an official said on Friday.
“The arrests are linked to a recent theft case involving a foreign national in the Chhatarpur area,” said the police officer.
The gang, originating from Gulkheri village in Kadiya district, Madhya Pradesh, targeted busy locations like markets, weddings, and public events. They employed distraction tactics to steal wallets, cash and valuable documents from unsuspecting victims, the officer said.
On January 11, a foreign national reported that her wallet had been stolen while shopping in Chhatarpur. The wallet contained 350 US dollars, credit cards and vital documents, including a visa. An FIR was registered at Mehrauli Police Station and teams were formed to apprehend the suspects, the officer added.
The women were identified and arrested on Chhatarpur’s 100-foota road on Thursday.
“During interrogation, they confessed to the crime. The arrested women, in their mid-thirties, are residents of Madhya Pradesh. One of them is a proclaimed offender involved in eight criminal cases registered in Delhi,” the officer said.