In a dramatic incident that took place at a petrol bunk near the old Kadaba railway station on Wednesday morning, an individual arrived in a vehicle, filled up his tank with diesel, and then fled without paying.

The man, who arrived in a Thar jeep with registration number KA 01 MX 9632 around 6 AM filled up the tank with diesel. He then asked the bunk attendant to fill a can with petrol. As the attendant went to fill the can, the man, having filled his vehicle’s tank, drove off with his vehicle and escaped.

The petrol bunk staff informed the police, providing details about the vehicle’s registration number. Upon investigation, the police discovered that the registration number belonged to a different vehicle registered in Bengaluru and that the thief had used a fake license plate.

Notably, a similar incident had occurred at a petrol bunk in Sullia a month ago, where the same vehicle number was used for a similar scam involving filling a full tank of diesel and fleeing without payment. The police are currently gathering more information regarding the incidents.