The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) Animal Husbandry Department launched the Information, Education, Communication (IEC) initiative to tackle the rising cases of animal abuse involving stray animals across Bengaluru. The initiative, themed “Public Health through Animal Health,” was inaugurated by Vikas Suralkar, Special Commissioner for Health and Animal Husbandry, BBMP, on January 16 at the Dr Rajkumar Glass House in the BBMP head office.

This move came after multiple incidents, for instance, in JP Nagar, where a vehicle ran over a puppy, causing its death. The accused then disposed of the body in a gunny bag, which was later found in a garbage dump. In another case, a man named Hari was arrested for placing three Shih Tzus on the roof of his car. Despite an earlier First Information Report (FIR) against him, a second FIR was filed for his repeated behaviour.

The initiative aims to spread awareness through street plays and flash mobs at 250 locations. The BBMP plans to broadcast messages via microphones on garbage collection vans and display awareness posters on these vans. The use of these vans to spread awareness is currently in the pilot phase and is primarily implemented in Yelahanka and Mahadevapura zones.

Dr Rudresh, Assistant Director of the Mahadevapura Zone, BBMP Animal Husbandry Department, stated that the animal welfare events began on January 18 and will take place in various locations across the city, including malls, schools, parks, slums, lakes, and other high-footfall areas.

“We started this initiative to ensure that community animals live harmoniously and are protected. We aim to raise awareness about animal welfare laws and guidelines while promoting the well-being of animals within the community,” opined Dr Manohar R., Assistant Director of the Yelahanka Zone, BBMP Animal Husbandry Department.

Manohar further explained that they decided to spread awareness mainly through street plays, flash mobs, and messages broadcast through garbage collection vans to ensure the initiative reaches everyone, including the illiterate. He also mentioned that these programs will primarily be conducted in sensitive zones that have recorded a higher number of cruelty or abuse cases. Furthermore, the BBMP has strengthened its Animal Birth Control (ABC) and Anti-Rabies Vaccine (ARV) programs to manage stray animal issues better.


Written by:  Sharon D, School of Communication and Media Studies, St Joseph’s University, Bengaluru