Bengaluru: The Karnataka High Court has directed the state government and Maharashtra Ekikarana Samiti (MES) to respond to a PIL seeking to prohibit the observance of ‘Black Day’ on Kannada Rajyotsava (November 1) in Belagavi and other Kannada-speaking regions.

A division bench comprising Chief Justice N V Anjaria and Justice M I Arun ordered all respondents to submit their affidavits before the next hearing, scheduled for February 18.

The PIL, filed by Mallappa Chayappa Aksharad, requests a ban on MES-led protests, rallies, and demonstrations on Kannada Rajyotsava.

MES, an organisation advocating for the merger of Belagavi with Maharashtra, has been marking November 1 as Black Day for over 20 years.

Petitioner’s counsel, Advocate Amruthesh N P, argued that such observances disrupt public harmony and infringe upon the rights of Kannadigas to celebrate their state’s foundation day.

He highlighted that complaints filed against MES have gone unaddressed, and authorities have even provided security for their events.

The petition includes evidence from 2024 showing MES processions in Belagavi.

The plea asserts that these activities fuel communal discord and calls for strict enforcement of measures to ensure Kannada Rajyotsava celebrations remain undisturbed.

It also urged the government to formulate guidelines preventing divisive events on November 1 to safeguard Karnataka’s cultural identity.