The Lokayukta police have arrested the Panchayat Development Officer (PDO) and a clerk from Gangolli on charges of demanding a bribe for land documentation.
The raid was conducted following a complaint by Mohammed Hanif. He alleged that the officials demanded a bribe of Rs 22,000 to process the 9/11 documentation for his property. Acting on this complaint, the Lokayukta team caught Gangolli PDO Umashankar and Second Division Assistant (SDA) Shekhar B red-handed while accepting the bribe.
The operation was conducted under the guidance of Lokayukta Superintendent Nataraj, with Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Manjunath leading the team. Inspectors Amanulla and Chandrashekar, along with personnel Nagesh Udupa, Nagaraj, Rohit, Pushpalatha, Mallika, Abdul Jalal, Satish Handadi, Ravindra Ganiga, Prasanna Devadiga, Ramesh, Satish Acharya, Raghavendra Hoskote, Suraj Kapu, Sudheer, and other Lokayukta staff from Mangaluru, participated in the raid.
A case has been registered based on Mohammed Hanif’s complaint, and further investigation is underway.