Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar has dismissed allegations against Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and his family in the MUDA (Mysuru Urban Development Authority) plot allotment case, labeling them as part of a political conspiracy. Speaking to the media in Belagavi, Shivakumar clarified that neither Siddaramaiah nor his wife is involved in any wrongdoing related to the case.

“This is a politically motivated attempt to malign Siddaramaiah and his family. Investigations into any case are a lengthy process, and determining whether there has been any wrongdoing is the purview of the judiciary, not individuals like you or me,” said Shivakumar. He refrained from further commenting on the matter, urging focus on state development rather than baseless accusations.

DK Shivakumar also announced that a statue of Mahatma Gandhi would be unveiled in front of Suvarna Vidhana Soudha in Belagavi on January 21. The event will be presided over by Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and will feature prominent leaders, including Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi and AICC President Mallikarjun Kharge, who will unveil the statue.

The program, classified as a government event, will also see the participation of the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and the Chairman of the Legislative Council. Invitations have been extended to all MLAs and freedom fighters across political parties. District officials have been tasked with overseeing arrangements for the ceremony, Shivakumar confirmed.