Belagavi: Superintendent of Police Dr. Bhimashankar S Guled said that the car accident involving Minister Laxmi Hebbalkar was a hit-and-run incident, with another vehicle’s involvement established.

Addressing the media on Wednesday (January 15), SP Guled explained that the accident took place near Ambadagatti Cross in Kittur taluk when the minister’s official vehicle drifted to avoid a dog crossing the road.

A container truck travelling in the opposite direction brushed against the car, prompting the driver to steer left, which led to the vehicle colliding with a tree on the service road.

The minister was travelling with her driver Shivaprasad, MLC Channaraj Hattiholi, and a gunman.

“The container truck fled the scene without stopping to provide assistance. This is being treated as a hit-and-run case, and efforts are underway to trace the truck and its driver,” SP Guled said.

“The gunman, Eerappa, first filed a complaint, but it lacked clarity. Later, the driver, Shivaprasad, provided a more detailed account. Additionally, the minister’s security convoy was not present during the incident. Allegations have surfaced regarding the removal of the accident-damaged vehicle from the spot before police arrived, and this is also being investigated,” he added.

SP Guled emphasized that “all angles are being examined to rule out any premeditated act. The police have conducted a site inspection and are actively working to uncover all facts related to the case.”