Chamarajanagar: To boost the physical and mental health of police personnel who often work tirelessly to maintain law and order, Chamarajanagar Superintendent of Police, Dr. Kavitha B T, has introduced an innovative fitness routine. The task requires police officers to climb the Karivaradaswamy Hill daily.

Early morning treks to the hill have already shown significant results, with many officers shedding weight and improving their overall health. Officers and staff from various departments, including the Women’s Police Station, Town Police Station, Rural Police Station, East Division, City Division, SEN, DCRB, and DAR, have participated in the activity.

Over the past two months, 34 personnel have successfully reduced their weight.

The initiative involves 20 to 25 personnel from one police station daily, excluding emergency staff. The treks are conducted from 6:30 AM to 9:15 AM, covering a 6-km stretch.

“Police officers often overlook their health due to the stress of their demanding jobs. The hill-climbing activity in the morning has shown positive results in improving their fitness,” said SP Dr. Kavitha B.T.