A man was scammed out of Rs. 4 lakh by a group of brokers who promised to arrange his marriage. The fraudulent group had arranged his marriage with a woman from Shivamogga after taking the money. However, just a month after the marriage, the woman left her husband, and the brokers vanished with the money.

The victim, Somashekar Gulagalajambagi, ried to contact the brokers for an explanation, but they were unreachable.

With both his wife and money gone, Somashekar filed a complaint with Mudhol Police against seven individuals — Manjula A., Satyappa Shirur, Sanju Mali, Ravi Arabhavi, Lakshmi Golbhavi, Nagavva Achari, and Siddappa Suryavanshi.

Woman was married twice in the past

The woman involved in this sca, was already married twice and had children from her previous marriages. The police are now investigating her and the brokers for their fraudulent activities. The police are focused on tracking down the scammers who took advantage of Somashekar’s desire for marriage.

Loans for Marriage

Somashekar’s family revealed that he had taken loans to pay the brokers, hoping to start a new life through marriage. However, they are now left with nothing—no wife and no money. They are now seeking justice from the police.

Expressed his despair, Somashekar said, “I borrowed money to get married and start a new life. Now I have neither the money nor the wife. I appeal to the police for justice.”

Was the Youth Tricked Without Knowing?

There are suspicions that Somashekar, trusting his relatives and the brokers, may have been unknowingly trapped in the scam. One of the accused, Sanju Mali, is a distant relative of Somashekar, and it appears the youth was led to believe in the brokers’ promises of a better life.

Suspected Organized Scam Targeting Older Men

This incident is suspected to be part of a larger scam targeting men of marriageable age who have not yet found a partner. Authorities are investigating similar incidents in neighboring districts, with plans to arrest the culprits involved in this scam.

Amarnath Reddy, the District Police Chief of Bagalkote, stated, “We suspect this fraud is part of a larger network targeting older men looking for a marriage. Investigations are ongoing, and we will take appropriate action against the culprits.”