Mumbai: Citizens have pointed out another instance of illegal concretisation around the trunk of trees near Court Lane, Metropolitan Magistrate Court, Andheri East.
National Green Tribunal Guidelines mandate the maintainance of a minimum one-meter open space around tree trunks to ensure their proper growth and aeration. Concretisation of the basement around the trees constructs the trunk from growing naturally and can weaken the trees, making them prone to falling during monsoon. This also violates the Indian Road Congress norms and the Maharashtra (Urban Areas) Protection and Preservation of Trees Act, 1975, said Watchdog Foundation which has complained to the Brihamumbai Municipal Corporation and the state environment ministry, pointing out the insensitive action of road contractors.
"It is alarming that despite repeated judicial and environmental directives, the BMC and its contractors continue to flout these norms, leading to the slow death of trees that are crucial for maintaining ecological balance in our already congested city. This malpractice is not just an environmental hazard but also a gross dereliction of duty by the civic authorities," said Godfrey Pimenta of Watchdog Foundation.
The group has demanded the immediate removal of all concrete, paver blocks, or any other obstructions around the trees and ensure that all future road and footpath projects adhere strictly to the one-meter open space rule around trees.
"Finally we demand that BMC file an FIR against the contractors and officials responsible for this unauthorized concretisation, who must be penalised to set a precedent against further negligence," said Pimenta.