On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti (MANS) – Panvel Branch annually presents the Dr. Narendra Dabholkar Karya Gaurav Award. This year, the award was conferred upon Asha worker Alka Ghute from Dehrang and the Anandibai Producer Group from Girvale. The awards were presented by Suniti S. R., a national coordinator of the Jan Andolan movement and a prominent social activist.
Since the assassination of Dr. Narendra Dabholkar, this award has been given to women and groups working towards grassroots transformation and breaking patriarchal barriers. This marked the 11th edition of the award ceremony.
During the event, Suniti S. R. elaborated on the journey of women's rebellion from medieval times to their contemporary struggles in social movements. She highlighted, with numerous examples, how women continue to lead various battles on different fronts, leaving the audience deeply inspired.
Alka Ghute, in her role as an Asha worker, has gone beyond traditional boundaries to support her community, with active participation from her entire family. Similarly, the Anandibai Producer Group from Girvale has fostered unity and cooperation within the village, setting an exemplary model of collective effort. Their outstanding contributions were recognized through the award.
Prior to the felicitation, a video presentation showcased the impactful journey of both award recipients. The award comprised a certificate of honor, books, and a cash prize.
Prominent attendees included MANS State Women’s Participation Secretary Aarti Naik, Youth Participation Secretary Priyanka Khedekar, Panvel Branch President Tanushree Khatu, and Principal Secretary Karuna Tandel. The event commenced with an introduction by Women’s Participation Secretary Varadaraj Tate, while branch activist Anand introduced the guests. The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Siddharth Meshram.