Exam Dates & Duration: The CUET PG 2025 exam will be held from March 13 to April 1, 2025, in a Computer-Based Test (CBT) mode, lasting 90 minutes for each shift.Exam Structure: The test will cover a wide range of 157 subjects, providing a broad scope for students from various disciplines.Scoring Pattern: Each correct answer will earn 4 marks, while incorrect responses will lead to a deduction of 1 mark due to negative marking.Shifts and Timing: The exam will be conducted in three shifts each day, ensuring flexibility for candidates.Language Medium: The CUET PG exam will be available in both English and Hindi, except for the Language & Sahitya papers, which may have additional language options.Admission Process: CUET serves as the primary entrance test for postgraduate programs in central and participating universities, colleges, and institutions.Online Mode: The entire exam is online, providing a convenient and streamlined process for candidates across the country.Preparation Tips: Candidates are advised to focus on understanding the marking scheme, preparing effectively for the CBT format, and managing their time well.