Behind the scene

Many important people in the corridors of power are yet to understand the feedback the Bade Sahib has given to the head of the country during his visit to the state. He recently attended an important event in the state capital. When he went to the greenroom after attending the function, he called only the Bade Sahib there. Both spoke to each other for five minutes. Prior to his trip to the state capital, the head of the country had attended a function in Chhatarpur. He spoke only to the Bade Sahib for a few seconds soon after his arrival in Chhatarpur and before departure from there. A similar thing happened in Bhopal. There are many stories about the importance the Bade Sahib was given. There are whispers that during his interaction with the Bade Sahib, the head of the country may have taken feedback on the goings-on in the state. Now, it is clear, after the event in the state capital, the Bade Sahib has emerged stronger than he was. Less than six months are left for the Bade Sahib’s retirement. The importance the Sahib was given at the event indicated that he would get an extension after retirement. Also, there are speculations that the head of the country may take him back to Delhi giving him a more important position than he is holding now.

In a dilemma

The government has yet to take a decision on appointing an officer to a position that is considered important for retired IAS officers. A list containing the names of those who applied for the post has been sent to the head of the state. A senior officer has also discussed the names included in the list with the head of the state. But an outcome eluded the government. So, the issue was kept pending. The head of the state is not interested in the name of any of the people who have applied for this post. Two retired officers are in the race for the post. The bureaucracy is interested in one of the retired officers, but the head of the state is yet to make up his mind. In the present situation, if there is a lack of recommendations for any other candidate, the government will appoint this retired officer.

New adviser

A senior IPS officer has become a close adviser to the head of the state. He is considered an upright, and the government is taking many decisions on his advice. But the IPS officer keeps away from blowing the trumpet that the head of the state has taken major decisions on his suggestions. A few private individuals have been kept out of power on this officer’s advice. The head of the state met him during his posting in a place a few years ago. The officer was holding such a position that soon after the government formation, he came closer to the head of the state. Now, he is taking some decisions on the officer’s advice. His input in a case helped the government. Because the officer is on good terms with many people, he can easily lay his hands on important information. This is the reason that he has become important to the government.

Talks on VRS

The bureaucracy’s discussions are revolving around an Additional Chief Secretary’s voluntary retirement these days. Because the officer has always been powerful, his opting for VRS has surprised his colleagues. He decided to opt for VRS in October last year. He was about to apply for it but put off his decision for a few months for some reasons. His application for VRS, which raised so much dust in the corridors of power, was sent to the authorities one and a half months ago. During his career, the ACS held many important positions, and relished the fruits of power. But he has not been enjoying his work for a few months. So, now, he wants to change his career.  He is preparing for PhD. The officer may be seen in a new role in the coming days. The officer’s opting for VRS has benefited a woman Principal Secretary (PS). Now, she will get the Chief Secretary’s pay-scale two and a half years in advance.

PS’s importance

A Principal Secretary (PS) has finally realised his halcyon days anew. The presentation made by him at a recent meeting with the members of the Finance Commission has received accolades from all corners. The members of the commission also appreciated the arguments put up by the PS in the presentation. Other officers of the state also complimented the PS for his performance. The Bade Sahib and another senior officer also played an important role in preparing the presentation. The head of the state, impressed by this PS, has become very happy with him. But once the head of the state was even averse to hearing the PS’s name. Now, the time has changed. He has begun to appreciate the PS. At several meetings, the head of the state has listened to the PS’s advice. Because of his uprightness and hard work, the officer has got back his place in the mainstream administration, but some officers are unhappy about it. There are speculations that the PS may get an important position in the coming days.

Unhappy staff

The officials of a department are unhappy with a woman IAS officer. About this IAS officer, it is said that she is rude to the officers and employees of her department. She even misbehaves even with those who are senior to her. So, everyone in the department is fed up with her behaviour. A few days ago, madam removed an officer from the department. After removing him, she has become more arrogant than she was. She has stopped talking to the employees properly. She churlishly talks to the officers, too. Information about her behaviour has reached the higher-ups. Many employees in the department are very senior, and, because of madam’s rude behaviour, a few have resolved to quit their job. During the rule of the previous regime, madam hogged the limelight for her impolite nature. The officer is upright and hardworking, but her behaviour is the prime negative factor of her personality.