SSC CPO Admit Card 2025 For Paper 2: The Staff Selection Commission will issue the SSC CPO Admit Card 2025 for Paper 2 today, March 6, 2025. Candidates who are going to appear for paper 2 of the Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police and CAPFs Examination will be able to check and download the SSC CPO Paper 2 admit card at
In order to access the SSC CPO Paper 2 admit card, candidates will have to enter their registration number and password on the designated login module on the portal.
Following the conduct of the Paper 1 examination, SSC shortlisted 83,614 unique candidates in different lists for the PET/PST round. Out of these, 37,763 candidates were not present and four were temporarily declared unfit. A total of 21,661 candidates failed to qualify. However, 24,190 candidates cleared the physical test round. Based on the updated results, 144 candidates are disqualified and no longer qualify to sit for Paper 2 of the exam.
According to the schedule, the SSC CPO Paper 2 exam will be conducted on March 8, 2025. Candidates must bring their SSC CPO admit card along with valid ID proof on the day of the examination. Candidates who fail to bring their SSC CPO hall ticket will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.
SSC CPO Paper 2 Exam Pattern
- The exam will consist of 200 questions, with a maximum score of 200 marks.
- The questions will be asked in the English language and comprehension.
- The duration of the exam will be 2 hours.
- There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer in Paper 2.
This recruitment drive will fill up a total of 4187 vacant seats in the organisation. Of these, there are 4,001 CAPF SI positions, 125 Delhi Police SI (Male) vacant seats, and 61 Delhi Police SI (Female) vacancies.