Mumbai: A 65-year-old doctor from Mumbai who lives in the United States lost Rs 9.77 lakh in an online fraud recently. Ali Hussain, who has lived in America for the past 35 years but occasionally visits India, opened an NRE (Non Resident External) account at Axis Bank in Mumbai.

On January 18, Hussain received a bank notification stating that Rs 25,000 had been transferred to an account belonging to Premlata and Rs 60,000 to an account under the name Golu Ahirwar. On the same day, Rs 5.36 lakh was transferred to another account via IMPS.

Concerned, he contacted the bank, which informed him that an additional Rs 3.56 lakh had been transferred on January 17 through three transactions. In total, Rs 9.77 lakh had been transferred to various recipients. Hussain informed the bank that he had not authorised these transactions, following which the bank froze his account. In February, Hussain arrived in Mumbai and, on the 25th, approached the police.