Aditi Mahavidyalaya, a women's institution affiliated with the University of Delhi, is accepting online applications for a number of non-teaching staff positions. Candidates who meet the requirements may submit their forms at

Vacancy Details:

Administrative Officer


Senior Personal Assistant

TA (Cartographer)

Laboratory Assistant

Junior Assistant

Laboratory Attendant

Library Attendant

According to the college's recruitment announcement, candidates who belong to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes (Central List), Persons with Disabilities, Ex-Servicemen, and other designated categories of people will have their upper age limit for the advertised posts lowered.

Application Fees:

How to apply:

Recruitment process:

A written exam and a personality test will be the two components of the hiring procedure.

The written test will consist of two parts: a descriptive paper and an exam with multiple-choice, objective-type questions (MCQs). Each of the two-hour tests will be worth 150 points. There will be 150 marks for the personality test or interview phase as well.

Candidates can visit the college's and university's official websites for additional information.