Aries: Pic caption: Two of Pentacles

Dear Aries, this week you will have money on your mind. Some of you may worry about your financial status, others will juggle their finances to figure out a way to make more money. You may spend money on your family or on a celebration. Do not overextend your resources just because you are emotional about something. You will meet some helpful people along the way. When it comes to your career, you can expect a productive period. Teamwork could bring solid results and adulation. Avoid rushing things. Use your keen observation skills. Try to see beyond what is visible and readily available. Some of you may reach out to an occult practitioner to get answers. 

Taurus: Pic caption: Nine of Pentacles

Dear Taurus, this week shall be about finances, indulgence, individuality, freedom and travel. Some of you may start saving up for a big travel plan. You could hear news which may not be in your favour. However, you will move on from that situation rather speedily and embrace change better than anticipated. You will take charge of matters and move ahead fearlessly. Your sense of adventure and need for quickness will be potent. Beware of confrontations. Keep your temper in check. Tactful communication shall be key this week. 

Gemini: Pic caption: The Moon

Dear Gemini, this week brings intuition and creativity. You will be able to view the world with fresh eyes and have the urge to explore its various wonders. Travel is strongly indicated and those who wish to travel are advised to start planning their itineraries. Avoid taking on any additional responsibilities and let go of the ones that are already weighing you down. During this period, you are meant to connect with your inner-self and explore your spiritual, creative and sensitive side. Dive deep into a meditative state or feel all your feelings, unabashedly. Try to keep some things under wraps. Do not discuss more information than necessary. 

Cancer: Pic caption: Wheel of Fortune

Dear Cancerians, this week you are advised to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions. Keep a beginner’s mindset. Take time to weigh your options carefully and consider nuances which may not have occurred to you in the past. It is ok to make a detour and bring about changes to your original plan. Your ambitions are going to rise once again. Some of you may offer financial and other advice to others, or vice versa. Pay attention to your nutrition and hydration levels. 

Leo: Pic caption: The Sun

Dear Leo, this week you will be in the mood to enjoy, indulge and be carefree. Handling responsibilities and tasks will seem challenging because your mind will be on other creative outlets. There will be a certain impatience to your energy. Travel and freedom shall be on your mind. This period will heighten your need for individuality and make you value your uniqueness. You will crave to be your authentic true self. Some of you may look for opportunities to express your talents. A make-over or look change is in the cards for those wanting to try something different. 

Virgo: Pic caption: The Hierophant

Dear Virgo, this week you may sign a new contract, especially a financial contract. New work assignments and work related travel is also indicated. You will have tremendous clarity in situations and the ability to make decisions with more ease. Avoid discussing your plans before they materialise. Some of you will get better at drawing boundaries. Any legal matters may also move ahead. You will have energy and drive to chase your goals. Your self-esteem is going to rise. There is success waiting to greet you during this period. Overall, this looks like a favourable week. 

Libra: Pic caption: Ace of Wands

Dear Libra, this week will bring tremendous energy, ideas and restlessness. You may find it difficult to contain your enthusiasm. Your creativity and free-spirited attitude shall attract attention and recognition. It is important that you channelise your inspiration into activities that help you stay active and charged. Think on your feet, travel, explore, experiment, study, read and engage with people to learn from them/their experiences. Your hard work is going to start paying off. This period shall be more about you. Hence, you can offer your energy to others only as much as you deem fit. Not more, not less. 

Scorpio: Pic caption: The Devil

Dear Scorpio, this week you are advised to fight your unhealthy habits and patterns. Your inner strength and courage shall be tested. Stay away from temptations that drain your resources. Beware of people who may offer you anything that seems too good to be true. It is ok to walk away from people and circumstances that you feel do not align with your greater good. There are still people who love and appreciate you for being ‘you’. Show the world your true colours and stick to your personal truth. Remain devoted and committed to your growth. 

Sagittarius: Pic caption: Temperance

Dear Sagittarius, this week brings balance and abundance. Those who are seeking material success will see great results. There are good, even better things coming your way. Some of you may get new work or income opportunities. Dive deep into understanding how you can increase your wealth and savings. Cut out excess responsibilities and draw clear boundaries with people. Communicate your expectations and needs clearly. Do not get excessively emotional during this period. Get rid of clutter from your surroundings. 

Capricorn: Pic caption: Four of Wands

Dear Capricorn, this week you will have stability, security, and perfection on your mind. You may have to follow rigid procedures or rules. You may deal with important institutions, courts, senior individuals, religious and spiritual figures. Few of you may decide to get married or buy a new home. Some of you may leave a toxic work environment and start a new job or gain a fresh assignment. You will want to grow roots in life and will prefer to have surety in the expected outcome. Only change that comes with specific directives will be appreciated by you, otherwise change could feel unsettling. Try to keep your emotions cool and listen to what others have to say. 

Aquarius: Pic caption: Queen of Pentacles

Dear Aquarius, this week could bring work or emotional stability related challenges. Some of you may have to put in extra hours of effort. Try to embrace uncertainty. It is ok to not know everything in advance. You could deal with hard headed individuals in your personal and professional space. Maintain a positive and humble demeanour so as to avoid unnecessary tensions. If you feel triggered, excuse yourself from situations briefly to maintain your composure and get back to your tasks. Travel is indicated and recommended. 

Pisces: Pic caption: Three of Wands

Dear Pisces, this week something may come to light and you may have to keep up with sudden change and manoeuvre your way out of uncertainties. You may have to deal with petty disagreements. Let go of your need to be right. Things may not turn out as you may have anticipated. However, it will be manageable. This could be a busy period wherein your personal life could also demand your attention. You and your family may not have all the information in hand. If you are uncertain, defer major decisions to a later date. Think long term and explore the options in front of you.