Good days ahead!
The successful completion of the recently-held Global Investors Summit (GIS) has made a senior IAS officer think that his good days are all set to come about. The policies made by the department functioning under him and put up at the summit, received accolades. So, the Sahib is hopeful of getting a plum posting for which he has been making efforts for 15 months. He has also lobbied for it at different levels. Once, the head of the state got angry with the officer who has been trying to please him since then. The Sahib tried to get a plum posting with the help of a now-retired big ma’am, but he was unsuccessful. Now, this officer, with an eye on an important department, is making efforts to please the Bade Sahib, too. An officer may be posted to the department in the coming days, and many other officers are trying to go there. The Sahib is also looking forward to it.
Photo in talks
The government is only too happy with the GIS. The summit has also benefited the Bade Sahib whose photograph with the head of the country has gone viral. Actually, the head of the country barely talks to politicians and officials when they queue up to welcome him to any event. But he only interacted with the Bade Sahib who was also in the line to welcome him to the GIS venue. Now, a photograph of this interaction has drawn attention of the politicians as well as of the bureaucrats. It indicates that the Bade Sahib is one of the officers whom the head of the country likes. A powerful union minister also met the Bade Sahib with warmth, which has given him a lot of moral boosts. Such incidents have also made it clear that the chances of the Sahib getting an extension of service are bright. The administrative preparations made by the Sahib for the summit also got appreciation, which further strengthened the ties between the Bade Sahib and the head of the state.
Waiting for Godot!
An officer wants to get out of a department considered a loop line. The Sahib wants a posting in Bhopal by any means. A few months ago, out of three officers sent to the loop line, two managed to get posting in Bhopal, but the third one is still stuck in the loop line. The Sahib is pulling out all the stops to join a department in the state capital, for which he has knocked at the doors of many powerful individuals. He also met some IAS officers and sought their help, but there is a shortage of officers in the department where the Sahib is working. So, despite his efforts, his transfer has become a problem. Now, the Sahib is waiting for Lady Luck to favour him: should the government get angry with an officer and send him to the loop line, he would get an opportunity to come out of the department he dislikes.
Names discussed
The government is mulling over the names of three officers for posting to an organisation considered important for the IPS officers. The government has already resolved to remove the officer posted there. So, he is set to go anytime, and the place, where he is going to be shifted, has also been fixed, but his replacement is yet to be found. There are reports that the government is chewing over the names, and the bureaucracy has suggested the name of a non-controversial officer for posting there. But the officer has a problem: he is considered loyal to the former chief minister, and because of this, the government avoids posting him to that place. Besides this Sahib, one of the two officers, whose names are under consideration, is close to the head of the state. The other officer is trying to get the position through his clout. The government’s failure to find an officer for the organisation is benefitting the Sahib working there, but the efforts to transfer him are too small to see.
Return to state
The story about the return of an IAS officer deputed to the Centre was scripted at the Global Investors Summit (GIS). The officer came from Delhi to take part in it. The Chief Minister as well as the Chief Secretary (CS) spoke to him to know whether he had any plans to return to the state. He reportedly told both of them that he would soon do it. During his stay in Delhi, the Sahib, who befriended the CS, was with the latter at the GIS for a long time. The Sahib is known for his good conduct as well as for efficient working. There are speculations about his return to the state. The officer does not want to leave Delhi for some reasons, and, after this trip, he, too, seems to have made up his mind to come back to the state. It is certain that whenever he returns, he will get an important department. He may be posted to the CM’s Secretariat.
Efforts for posting
A Principal Secretary (PS), after receiving setbacks from everywhere, is again making efforts for posting. He has been waiting for a plum posting since the new government took over. The PS is continuously sent to the loop line. After all his efforts for posting came to naught, the PS has sought the help of a person who does liaising. He has assured the officer of bringing him back to the mainstream administration. Because the person has a lot of influence in the present government, an agent of the PS is regularly meeting him, so that the Sahib can get an important department. The head of the state is angry with the PS, so he has been posted in a place outside the mainstream administration. Yet, the government is angrier with the PS than it was earlier because of his behaviour. Ergo he was transferred to a department where there is no work, and now, with the help of the liaising person, he wants to please the government.