In a way to promote environment friendly cremations and decrease the air pollution, the BMC had planned to provide Piped Natural Gas (PNG) facility at 10 Hindu crematoriums in Mumbai. Accordingly, BMC has successfully commissioned eight PNG based crematoriums, however, commissioning of two is pending dues to no gas supply from Mahanagar Gas Ltd (MGL).
Notably, the Bombay High court also directed the BMC to encourage eco-friendly cremations and the civic body have been working on a pilot project from couple of years. The smoke emitted from the crematoriums in one of the source of air pollution in the city. BMC has total 52 Hindu crematoriums in Mumbai, of 10 crematoriums were identified where PNG facility will be provided.
The eight crematoriums where PNG facility is commissioned are at Sion, Shivaji Park, Mulund, Charai, Bhoiwada, Jogeshwari, Gavandpada and Chunabhatti. While, the two crematoriums whose commissioning is pending due to absence of PNG supply from MGL are at Tagore Nagar and Reay Road.
"BMC wants promote environment-friendly cremations. It will decreased air pollution and at the time allowing families to perform Hindu rituals for funeral. However, we are waiting for PNG supply from MGL for two crematoriums," said a senior officer from enviornment department.
However, the MGL said the PNG supply at the said two crematoriums is yet to start as the agency is waiting for permissions from BMC and Railways for laying the infrastructure. An official from Managar Gas Ltd said, "MGL has provided PNG supply to most of the crematoriums in Mumbai as identified by BMC for operating on eco-friendly PNG. For two of the crematoriums remaining to be provided PNG, MGL has already initiated its efforts and surveyed the pipeline route to connect Tagore nagar cemetery with PNG. For the pipeline laying excavation needs to be done on the asphalt road including Cement Concrete road. Application to BMC has been submitted and the BMC permission is awaited. Work will be started as soon as the permissions are received."
"While for Reay Road cemetery there is a requirement to lay the pipeline across railway line so the feasibility of pipeline is being evaluated for laying the pipeline across, where minimum permissions will be required."
As per BMC officials, the eco-friendly pyre system technology ensures huge savings in the wood used for the cremation of bodies, plus reduces smoke and particles emanating from it, while completing all the accompanying religious rituals as desired by the relatives.