The Ld. Court for CBI cases, Court No. II, Patna has sentenced two accused Sanjay Kumar, then Sub-Postmaster and Umesh Kumar, then Postal Assistant of Sub-Post Office, Katrisarai, District - Nalanda to 1 year’s Rigorous Imprisonment (RI) with total fine of Rs. 50,000/- in a case of bribery.

CBI had registered the instant case on 09.11.2010 against accused Umesh Kumar, then Postal Assistant of Sub-Post Office, Katrisarai, District – Nalanda on allegations that accused demanded Rs. 6000/- as bribe to book parcel of complaint which contained medicine from Sub-post Office, Katrisarai.

During investigation, it was revealed that accused Umesh Kumar demanded bribe of Rs. 6,000/- from Sh. Sashikant Kumar to book his parcel from Katrisarai, Sub-Post Office and accepted the same on 10.11.2010. The bribe amount was recovered from Umesh Kumar.

Investigation further revealed that in continuation of trap, CBI conducted search of the Cash Safe of Katrisarai post office and found huge amount of shortage in cash in as much as Cash Safe contained only ₹. 47.466/- but as per summary of date ₹. 3,65,065/- should have been in the Case Safe and accordingly an amount of ₹. 3,17,599/- was found missing in the Safe. No reason for this shortage could be explained either by the Umesh Kumar or Sanjay Kumar, then Sub-Post Master. Both accused were jointly liable for remittance of cash to Head Post Office.

Investigation also revealed that both accused conspired together and in pursuance of criminal conspiracy misappropriated the amount belonging to Post Department. After investigation, charge sheet was filed by CBI on 30.12.2010 against accused Umesh Kumar and Sanjay Kumar.

During trial, 14 prosecution witnesses were examined, and a numbered of documents and exhibits were cited in support of charges against accused. The Court, after trial, found aforesaid accused guilty and sentenced them accordingly.