YouTube streamer IshowSpeed made a surprise appearance during the Hope Charity game in Doha that took place on Friday and hilariously assisted in scoring an own goal. A video surfaced of the same and the famous internet personality, while Arsenal stalwart Thierry Henry after the game as the latter tried to cheer him up.

Following the match, the 20-year-old was quite devastated as his team had lost by a scoreline of 5-6 to KSI's team as the latter scored an own goal. In a clip going viral on social media, IshowSpeed was seen passing the ball to his teammate via cross and KCI accidentally intercepted it only to net the ball into his own goal. KSI lay on the ground distraught but Chunkz, who is another YouTuber, jumped on top of him, sticking his tongue out.

Below is the video of the same: