Even as Devgad Alphonso mangoes have only just entered the Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) wholesale market, traders have raised concerns over retailers in South Mumbai and Ghatkopar mislabeling Karnataka Alphonso mangoes as Devgad Alphonso to fetch higher prices.

“The two varieties look identical, making it difficult for the common consumer to distinguish between them. However, Karnataka Alphonsos are of inferior quality as they were harvested while the monsoon was still active, whereas Devgad Alphonsos have received ample sunlight, enhancing their taste and texture,” said mango trader Sanjay Pansare from the APMC market.

Pansare, who recently visited the retail market in South Mumbai, was surprised to find mangoes being falsely sold as Devgad Alphonso. Upon questioning, a retailer admitted that labeling them as Karnataka Alphonsos would not fetch the desired price from customers.

While wholesalers at APMC clearly specify when mangoes are from Karnataka, retailers often misrepresent them as Devgad Alphonsos to increase profits. Some retailers have even designed boxes labeled as ‘Indian Mangoes’ to package these mangoes, closely mimicking the packaging of Malawi mangoes, Pansare added. In the wholesale market, Karnataka Alphonsos are priced at Rs 300 per kg, whereas Devgad Alphonsos are sold between Rs 800 to Rs 1,000 per kg, highlighting the significant price difference.

The key distinction between the two varieties lies in the soil they are grown in, which directly impacts quality. Devgad Alphonsos are known for their sweet flavor, saffron-colored pulp, and rich aroma, while Karnataka Alphonsos, despite their similar exterior, have a yellowish pulp, lack the signature aroma, and have a thicker skin.

“For an average consumer, it is difficult to tell the difference without slicing the mango. To ensure authenticity, buyers should ask the shopkeeper to slice a mango on the spot and check the pulp. Devgad mangoes also have a rounder shape towards the bottom, while Karnataka Alphonsos are slightly narrower,” explained another trader.