Mumbai: In a major crackdown, the Sion Police have arrested four individuals for providing bank accounts on rent to cyber fraudsters operating from abroad. The arrested accused have been identified as Karthik Vishwanathan (27), Nandakumar Kumaran (27), Laxman Ramamurthy, and Pasupuleti Pratap (43). The arrests were made in Chennai and other parts of Tamil Nadu. While Ramamurthy and Pasupuleti were released after being served a notice, the other two were produced in court and remanded to police custody.

According to the Sion Police, the accused provided three bank accounts that were used for cyber fraud across multiple states in India. In exchange, they received hefty commissions. The police tracked the accused through financial transactions linked to their accounts.

The case came to light after a resident of Sion lodged a complaint stating that fraudsters, posing as KYC verification agents, withdrew ₹1 lakh from his account through 20 transactions. During the investigation, police traced the funds to a bank account in Chennai, which led them to the accused.

Further inquiries revealed that the bank accounts provided by the accused were used in over 100 cyber fraud cases across Rajasthan, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, and Telangana. The investigation is ongoing, and police are searching for more suspects involved in the racket.
