A part of the pillar of the under-construction Metro 4 line collapsed on Thursday late night in Suman Nagar, Chunabhatti. The Metro 4- Thane to Wadala line through the Sion-Trombay Road where the incident occurred. No injuries were reported in the mishap, however, being a busy area, the incident caused panic among the residents and commuters, raising questions about safety measures taken by authorities. The broken pillar is now covered and MMRDA is probing the incident.
As per information received from BMC’s disaster management, “The incident took place near Suman Nagar, Chunabhatti on Metro line-4 from Thane to Wadala. The incident was reported at 11.05 pm and Metro staff rushed to the site immediately. Vikas Naik, Nodal officer of Metro 4 line said that the metal rods of the pillar have bent. No injuries are reported.”
As per reports, a 20-foot concrete structure from the pillar collapsed at the entrance of a residential society’s premises. The fallen structure is identified as a reinforcement cage. The authorities moved the collapsed structure with the help of ropes to ease the traffic movement. MMRDA, the implementing agency for the Metro 4 line is investigating the incident. The contract of Metro 4 is given to Reliance Infrastructure and the work is carried out by a sub-contractor named Milan Road Build Tech.