Palghar, Maharashtra: Ashok Dhodi, a senior leader from Shiv Sena (Shinde faction) and former Dahanu-Talasari Assembly coordinator, has been found dead in his car. Dhodi had been missing for 12 days, sparking a major investigation. The car, a red Brezza, was discovered in a closed stone quarry in Sarigram Malafalia, near Bhilad, Gujarat
Palghar police, including Superintendent of Police Balasaheb Patil, swiftly arrived at the scene. The retrieval of the car from a deep quarry pond took nearly two and a half hours. Upon inspecting the vehicle, authorities found Dhodi’s lifeless body in the trunk. Prior to extracting the car, a black jacket and a white headphone were also discovered near the site.
Confirming the discovery, SP Balasaheb Patil stated, “We have recovered the car with the body inside. Our teams are investigating the case. Four suspects are in custody, and our special teams are actively searching for the three suspects who are still on the run.”
Ashok Dhodi’s disappearance on January 20 initially raised suspicions of abduction, prompting Palghar police to intensify their search. Following a comprehensive 12-day investigation, the police arrested four suspects who confessed to Dhodi’s murder. According to the suspects, they killed Dhodi and disposed of his body, along with his car, in the quarry, trying to disguise the crime as an accident.
A startling revelation also emerged during the investigation suggesting that the murder may have been orchestrated by Dhodi’s own brother or a close relative. Investigators believe personal animosity could have led Dhodi's brother to conspire with the other suspects. The arrested individuals have corroborated this version of events. The Palghar police are continuing their efforts to gather more evidence and uncover the true motive behind the crime, as well as to identify the mastermind behind the murder.