The University of Southampton Delhi has launched two scholarship schemes: the Delhi Presidential Scholarship and the Future Talent Scholarship.

These competitive scholarships are intended to identify, develop, and support outstanding talent among Indian undergraduate and graduate students. All applicants wishing to enrol at the University starting in August 2025 will have access to scholarship applications and eligibility criterion information during the final week of February.

"We are pleased to provide these scholarships," stated Andrew Atherton, Vice-President International and Engagement at the University of Southampton. A sizeable amount of tuition money will go towards scholarships, enabling many students to get financial aid if they fulfil our requirements for academic success or expanding involvement."

Delhi Presidential Scholarship:

One undergraduate and one graduate will receive the Delhi Presidential Scholarship, a competitive grant that covers tuition costs for the full course of study. In order to receive the scholarship and maintain it for the duration of their individual courses, prospective students must demonstrate consistent academic rigour and embody the University's values and sense of community. In July 2025 for the undergraduate program and June 2025 for the graduate program, the scholarship beneficiaries will be revealed.

Future Talent Scholarship:

The University of Southampton Delhi created the competitive Future Talent Scholarship, which offers INR 220,000 towards the first year's tuition for up to 12 undergraduates and graduates. For August 2025 entrance, candidates from all six of the University's programs are eligible for the award. Strong prior academic performance and the scholarship application will determine the recipients. In June 2025 and July 2025, the shortlisted honourees will be revealed in two installments.

Other financial aid:

In addition to these scholarships, the University of Southampton Delhi has established the Future Talent Bursary, a merit-based financial aid pool for undergraduate students who excel academically but are underprivileged. Only undergraduate students are eligible for the bursary awards, which have a one-year maximum of INR 660,000 per student. Applications for bursaries and information on eligibility requirements will be accessible during the final week of February.