In a shocking incident, a 15-year-old boy from Kerala, Mihir Ahammed, a student of the Global Public School in the Thiruvaniyoor area of Ernakulam, jumped to his death from his home on January 15 after "brutal ragging, bullying, and physical assault" from his classmates. Actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu reacted to the tragic incident and demanded justice for Mihir.
Taking to her Instagram story, Samantha revealed that she was 'shattered' by the news. "It's 2025. Yet, we've lost another bright young life, snuffed out because a few individuals, filled with hate and venom pushed someone to the brink! Mihir's tragic death is a stark reminder that bullying, harassment, and ragging are not just 'harmless traditions' or 'rites of passage! They are violence-psychological, emotional, and sometimes even physical. We have stringent anti-ragging laws apparently, yet our students continue to suffer in silence, afraid to speak up, afraid of consequences, afraid that no one will listen. Where are we failing?"
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Further, the actress added, "This cannot be met with just condolences. It demands action. I hope the authorities get to the bottom of this, and I hope truth is not silenced by the system. Mihir deserves justice. His parents deserve closure. Strict and immediate action must follow. To all my young followers - If you see bullying, call it out. Speak up. Support the victim. Silence enables abuse. If you are bullied, seek help. There is always a way out. Let's teach our children empathy and kindness, not fear and submission."
Samantha shared that Mihir's death should serve as a wake-up call, emphasising that justice for him means ensuring no other student has to endure the same pain.
Mihir's mother in an official statement on Instagram revealed that her son was bullied for his skin colour. "They didn't end the cruelty even after his death. A shocking chat screenshot reveals the extent of their cruelty. They messaged 'f**k ni**a he actually died' and celebrated his death." she added.