Ganesh Jayanti, also known as Magha Shukla Chaturthi, Tilkund Chaturthi, and Varad Chaturthi, is an important Hindu festival that honours the birth of Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and the god of wisdom and prosperity.

Observed on the fourth day (Chaturthi) of the Shukla Paksha in the Hindu month of Magh, this day holds immense significance for devotees who seek Lord Ganesha's blessings for success, knowledge, and new beginnings. Keep reading to know auspicious timings, rituals, significance and more.

Ganesh Jayanti 2025 date and shubh muhurat

In 2025, Ganesh Jayanti will be celebrated on Saturday, February 1. According to the Drik Panchang, the most auspicious time to perform the puja is:

It is traditionally advised to avoid moon sightings on this day, as it is believed to bring bad luck.

Ganesh Jayanti 2025 puja rituals

Devotees observe the day by following sacred rituals with deep devotion. The key traditions include:

Purification and preparations: The day begins with devotees taking a ritualistic bath, cleaning their homes, and wearing fresh clothes before starting the puja.

Installation of Lord Ganesha’s idol or image: A statue or picture of Lord Ganesha is placed in a sanctified area for worship.

Offerings and decorations: The idol is adorned with sindoor (vermilion) and turmeric, symbolising purity and devotion. Sacred offerings such as cow dung are also made to honour the deity.

Tilakund bhog: A special delicacy made of sesame seeds (til) is prepared and offered to Lord Ganesha. This prasad is later distributed among devotees.

Observing a fast: Many devotees observe a daylong fast, breaking it only during the Chaturthi tithi.

Chanting mantras and aarti: Devotees recite Ganesha mantras and bhajans and perform aarti to invoke His blessings and seek His divine grace.

Significance of Ganesh Jayanti

Lord Ganesha is revered as the God of good fortune, intellect, and success. This occasion is a day of spiritual reflection, prayers, and devotion, where devotees express their gratitude and seek divine guidance. Worshipping Ganesha on this auspicious day is believed to eliminate obstacles and bless individuals with wisdom, prosperity, and positive energy. Many people also consider this day an ideal time to embark on new projects or ventures, ensuring success and growth in their endeavours.