Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin started in 2020 with Neil Bhatt, Ayesha Singh, and Aishwarya Sharma Bhatt in the lead roles. Later, there was a leap in the show, and Bhavika Sharma, Shakti Arora, and Sumit Singh were roped in. After a few months, the show underwent the cast change and Hitesh Bharadwaj was cast as the male lead. Now, once again there's a cast change in the show, and a new season of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin has started.
The first episode of the new season was premiered last night on Star Plus, and of course, netizens are discussing a lot about the show on social media, and sharing their review. While Param Singh and Sanam Johar are getting positive reviews for their performance Vaibhavi Hankare is getting mixed reviews from netizens.
A netizen posted, "#GhumHaiKisikeyPyaarMeiin || #ParamSingh Before I stop ranting about the show and Param and give my mutuals a reason to call me insane and mute me, I need to say this... The nuances Param brought during this song are, oh my God! He's playing an introverted character."
Another X user wrote, "Guys I'm gonna watch #GhumHaiKisikeyPyaarMeiin . Par sirf tab tak jab tak #SanamJohar ka character achha h... Sanam ka character ruin hoga and I'll leave. And pls pls usko dance sequences Dena. He's the best dancer of India." While taling about Vaibhavi, a netizen posted, "Liking both the MLs #ParamSingh and #SanamJohar Not impressed with the FL , but she is ok ok.." Check out the posts below...
While the makers have started a new season with new actors, we are sure fans of Bhavika Sharma and Hitesh Bhardwaj are surely going to miss them in Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. So now, let's wait and watch what response the show will get after the entry of this new cast.