Navi Mumbai: A four-year-old girl lost her life in an accident on Wednesday morning in Kharkopar, Ulwe, after a pickup tempo driver recklessly reversed his vehicle. The child, who was walking alongside her mother, was run over by a tempo that was taking a reverse. According to police, the child died on the spot. The deceased four year girl has been identified as Nayla Khan, a resident of Kharkopar, Ulwe.
Around 10:30 AM on Wednesday, the child was walking with her mother to a clinic when the incident occurred. A pickup van, coming from Kharkopar village towards Ulwe Sector-8, carelessly and dangerously reversed his vehicle. The girl was struck and tragically crushed under the wheel of the tempo.
"The lady had an infant baby in her hand and was also holding the hand of her four year old. She did not realise when the child left the grip. She thought the child was walking behind her but when she turned around to look for her, she found her beneath the tyres of the tempo. The tempo had taken a wrong road and was taking a reverse to take another road when the child was hit," senior police inspector Arjun Rajane from Ulwe police station said.
The accused identified as Sawan Khanamiya Singdival (26), a resident of Taloja, was arrested by the police.