Pushpa 2 starring Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna took the box office by storm. The movie has collected Rs. 1232.94 crore at the box office in all languages till now, and it is still running in the theatres. However, Pushpa 2 has started streaming on OTT. The movie was premiered on Netflix recently in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, and Malayalam. Even the Pushpa 2 reloaded version with 23 minutes of extra footage has also made it to the OTT platform.

Netflix took to X to announce Pushpa 2 Reloaded OTT release, and they posted, “This fire is now alive, and The Rule has begun Watch Pushpa 2- Reloaded version with 23 extra minutes on Netflix, out now in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam! Kannada coming soon.”

Well, Allu Arjun’s fans have gone berserk on social media, and many of them have already watched the movie. A netizen posted on X, “Rewatched #Pushpa2TheRule #Pushpa2Reloaded has very important scenes which makes #Pushpa2 even better Music ruled. Jathara & Climax scenes will remain iconic Sukumar The Director & Everyone else delivered except Sukumar The Writer.” Another fan wrote, “This is absolute cinema.” Check out the posts below…

However, Kannadigas are upset with Netfix as the Kannada version is not streaming on the OTT platform. A netizen posted, “Netflix keeps neglecting the Kannada language category. First, they don’t even have a dedicated category for Kannada. Second, newly released movies often don’t include Kannada language options.” Another x user wrote, “why is the delay for kannada version?”

One more user wrote, “@NetflixIndia WHEN in Kannada!? Really sad to see my Netflix treating Kannadigas and Karnataka like this! #Kannadigas #Karnataka.”  Check out the posts below…

Well, let’s hope that soon Kannada version of Pushpa 2 Reloaded also starts streaming on Netflix, and Kannadigas get to watch it in their language.

Meanwhile, after Pushp 2 – The Rule, now audience is eagerly waiting for Pushpa 3 – The Rampage. While the third instalment of the film was announced at the end of part 2, it is not yet known when it will start rolling and release.