Swara Bhasker, who has been quite active on social media, recently took to Instagram to share that her X (earlier known as Twitter) account has been permanently suspended after she shared a post about Happy Republic Day. The Tanu Weds Manu actress has shared a long post on social media in which she has slammed the team of X.

She shared a picture of the email sent to her by X team and wrote, "(You can’t make this stuff up!!!!) Dear X, Two images from two tweets have been marked as ‘copyright infringements’. Basis which my X account is locked / disabled, I can’t access it and permanent suspension has been approved by your teams. One with an orange background and text in Hindi Devnaagri script reading “Gandhi Hum Sharmindaa hain, Tere qaatil zindagi hain” is a popular slogan of the progressive movement in India. There is no copyright violation. It is akin to urban modern folk idiom."

The Veere Di Wedding actress further wrote, "The second image marked as a violation is an image of MY OWN child with her face concealed waving an Indian flag and with writing ‘HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY India’. How can this possibly be a copyright infringement ???? Who has a copyright on my child’s likeness??? Both of these complaints are ridiculous and untenable by any rational, logical and objective understanding of any legal definition of copyright. If these tweets have been mass reported they are aimed to harass the user I.e. myself and are aimed at suppressing my freedom of speech and expression. Kindly review and reverse your decision. Thanks, Swara Bhaskar."

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A post shared by Swara Bhasker (@reallyswara)

In the past, Swara has made it to the headlines because of many of her tweets. In fact, the actress' social media fights with celebs and people were quite famous. However, from the past few months, after she became a mother, she was less active on social media.

Now, let's wait and watch whether Swara's account will be reactivated or not.