Monalisa Bhosle, the young woman from Indore who became an internet sensation after being spotted selling garlands at the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 in Prayagraj, is now set to step into the world of cinema. She has been offered a role in filmmaker Sanoj Mishra’s upcoming movie, The Diary of Manipur.

Monalisa captured the hearts of many with her innocent charm and breathtaking beauty while selling garlands at the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025. Her rise to fame caught the attention of director Sanoj Mishra, known for his work on films addressing socially relevant topics. Mishra, who previously directed 'The Diary of West Bengal,' decided to offer Monalisa a role in his next project.

Reports suggest that the filmmaker has already spoken to Monalisa’s father over the phone and signed the contract in Maheshwar on Wednesday.

Monalisa’s role in 'The Diary of Manipur'

Monalisa’s role in The Diary of Manipur closely mirrors her real-life struggles. As reported by ETV Bharat, Sanoj Mishra explained, "Monalisa belongs to a lower middle-class family. She is a nomad, and her family roams around selling garlands to fulfill their daily needs. Her role is that of the daughter of a retired army soldier from Manipur who too wants to join the army. This is her dream. What kind of problems she has to go through to fulfill her dream, what struggles she has to face and how she is able to fulfill her dream, is what the film is all about."

To prepare her for the role, Mishra and his team will provide her with basic acting training. He stated, "I will call her to my studio. Our motive is to ensure her acting should be in sync with her original nature (her carefreeness and innocence)."

According to additional media reports, the budget for The Diary of Manipur is approximately Rs 20 crore, and filming is set to begin in February.

'My films do not have star cast like Salman-Shahrukh'

When asked about his decision to cast Monalisa, Mishra emphasised that success in films is not solely dependent on looks but on acting skills. He remarked, "If you want to stay in the film industry and leave your mark, then you will have to be proficient in acting. The qualities of an artist can be inculcated in Monalisa, she can be taught. We have seen in her that she has the desire to achieve something."

The filmmaker also addressed prevailing industry perceptions, saying, "If a porn star like Sunny Leone can be brought into the film industry and made an icon and if I bring a girl from a nomadic community in front of the country, then it will send out a message that not everything is about nudity and filth. You can also present yourself in the film industry with great decency and simplicity."

Discussing the industry’s nepotism issue, Mishra pointed out that audiences often reject films driven by star power alone. He repeated his goal of providing opportunities to fresh faces, saying, "My films do not have star cast like Salman-Shahrukh, the story of my film is the star cast."