Hitachi Energy India shares rocketed up 20 per cent to hit the upper circuit filter on NSE (National Stock Exchange), after company declared their quarterly financials for December quarter which revealed company received orders worth over Rs 11,594.3 crore.
The shares of Hitachi Energy went on to touch the 20 per cent upper circuit filter level of Rs 12,277.50 per share on the exchanges after hitting the opening bell level of Rs 11,444.00 per share on.
Hitachi Energy India's shares were locked-in 20 per cent upper circuit level at 12,277.50 per share on the NSE (National Stock Exchange), with a surge of Rs 2,046.25 per share on the bourses.
Highest order in a quarter
According to the company's earnings release, the quarter in question saw its highest-ever quarterly order of Rs 11,594.3 crore.
According to the company, a significant high-voltage direct current (HVDC) order to transfer renewable energy from Khavda, Gujarat, to Nagpur, Maharashtra, is the main cause of the surge. Furthermore, with power quality and substation projects, the transmission segment (excluding the HVDC order) drove the order book momentum.
Hitachi Energy Q3 FY25
Q3 FY25 net profit
Operating EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) increased 108.5 per cent YoY to Rs 168.9 crore, while profit after tax (PAT) increased 498.1 per cent YoY to Rs 137.4 crore.
The operating EBITDA margin grew to 10.1 per cent from 6.3 per cent in the same period last year.
The company's revenue for the nine months (April–December 2024) was Rs 4,520.3 crore, up from Rs 3547.6 crore in the same quarter of the previous fiscal year. PAT, or profit after tax, was Rs 200.1 crore as opposed to Rs 50.1 crore during the prior year.