Actress and Bigg Boss 6 contestant Sherlyn Chopra, known for her controversies, was spotted with a baby girl in Mumbai on Wednesday evening (January 29). She was seen carrying the baby after stepping out of her car outside a restaurant. This sparked speculation about whether she has legally adopted the child. While details about the baby remain unknown, Sherlyn seemed unfazed when paparazzi called her "mummy."
Several pictures and videos of Sherlyn with the baby have been doing the rounds on social media. In one of the clips, a paparazzi is heard asking, "Baccha kiska hai? Aapki toh shaadi abhi hui nahi hai."
To this, she replied asking, "Shaadi kiye bina maa nahi bann sakte? Godd leke?"
Later, she said that the baby girl is a few months old. She also promised the paps that she will throw a party for them. Sherlyn also kissed the little one on her cheeks and said, "Mera sapna sakaar ho gaya."
later, she took to her official Instagram account and shared a series of pictures with the baby. Along with it, she wrote, "A blessing that no one can replace," and added a red heart emoji.
Take a look at Sherlyn's videos and photos here:
In November 2024, Sherlyn had opened up about having a health disorder due to her kidney failure in 2021, which prevents her from carrying her own children. "It’s not a regular kidney failure; it’s an SLE kidney failure. SLE is an autoimmune disorder. You might have heard of autoimmune disorders. It’s that kind of health issue," she told Bollywood Bubble.
Sherlyn had also expressed her desire to be a mother and shared that she would like to explore options available in India to fulfill her wish.
"I was actually born to be a mother because whenever I think about children, I feel an indescribable happiness. Even before they arrive, I’m so happy. Just imagine how much joy I’ll feel after they’re here," she had said.
On the work front, Sherlyn has been a part of several Bollywood movies including Time Pass, Jawani Diwani: A Youthful Joyride, Game, Dil Bole Hadippa!, among others. Sherlyn gained media attention after appearing on the cover of the American Playboy magazine, becoming the first Indian to do so, where she was described as a Bollywood legend.