The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Thursday won the Chandigarh Mayor polls 2025 defeating the Congress-Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) alliance. BJP candidate Harpreet Kaur Babla elected as the new Mayor of Chandigarh.

There are 35 members in the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation. Notably, the Chandigarh MP also has voting rights as an ex-officio member. Congress's Manish Tiwari

Before the polling, in the 35-member House, the AAP-Congress alliance had 19 councillors -- 13 votes of AAP and six of the Congress, while the BJP had 16 votes.

Babla received 19 votes while, the Congress-AAP candidate Prem Lata managed to secure only 17 votes. Meanwhile, three councillors reportedly cross-voted.