NCP-SP MP Supriya Sule on Thursday urged Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, who is also the state's Home Minister, and Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, who is also Pune's Guardian Minister, to address the rising criminal incidents in the city and its nearby areas. Sule emphasised that such incidents are negatively impacting the industrial development of the region.

Taking to X (formerly Twitter), the Baramati MP wrote, "Crime has increased significantly in Pune city and its surroundings. This is affecting the industrial development of the city. If this situation continues, it may affect the investment and employment opportunities in this area in the future. This is a very serious matter. The state home department and the guardian minister of Pune should please take serious note of this and take necessary measures."

Sule's post comes only two days after a shocking incident took place in Daund, a part of her Lok Sabha constituency. A Class 10 student from an English-medium school in Daund allegedly paid ₹100 to another student in Class 9 to rape and murder one of his female classmates. The student who received the money however went to the school authorities and confessed about the plan. The headmaster and two of the school teachers have been booked after the girl's father filed a complaint against the school for not taking action against the Class 10 boy who had offered the money. According to the police, the student was upset after the girl told the class teacher that he had forged his parent's signature on his report card. To teach her a lesson, he offered ₹100 to an older Class 9 student to rape and murder the girl.

In another recent incident, a 28-year-old woman accountant working for a multinational business process outsourcing (BPO) firm in Yerawada was murdered by her male colleague with a sharp weapon in the company parking lot. The attack was a fallout of a monetary dispute between the two, police said.