Mumbai: A 42-year-old woman from Andheri fell victim to a WhatsApp task scam, losing ₹8.17 lakh to cyber fraudsters. Based on her complaint, the Andheri Police have registered a case of fraud against an unknown person and launched an investigation.
According to the Andheri Police, the scam began on January 11 when the victim received a call on her Telegram account from an unknown individual who requested her mobile and UPI details. Trusting the caller, she shared the details and soon received ₹150 in her bank account.
She then received a confirmation message, and the fraudsters sent her a link to join a WhatsApp group. Once in the group, she was assigned simple tasks and received small commission payments upon completing them. After building trust, the fraudsters convinced her to invest larger amounts, promising higher commissions. Falling for the scam, she transferred ₹1.5 lakh, ₹1 lakh, and ₹50,000 in multiple transactions.
Despite completing the assigned tasks, her principal investment and promised commissions were never returned. When she inquired about her money, the fraudster who identified himself as Arjun Bajwa claimed that her "low credit score" was delaying the payment.
He then demanded an additional ₹4.5 lakh to process the payout. Realizing she had been scammed, the woman refused to send more money and filed an FIR at Andheri Police Station. The police have launched an investigation into the matter.