Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Lokayukta police have made a third arrest in the Saurabh Sharma corruption case, arresting Sharad Jaiswal on Wednesday. He was presented in the Special Court of Lokayukta, which granted a six-day police remand.
The case, which involves disproportionate property acquired by Saurabh Sharma, led to the arrest of two other persons, Saurabh Sharma and Chetan Singh Gaur, on Tuesday.
They were remanded into police custody until February 4. Special public prosecutor Vivek Singh Gaur said that Sharad Jaiswal was initially detained by the police on Tuesday and later arrested. His arrest was formalised on Wednesday when he was presented in court. The court granted six days' remand, which will end on February 4.
The prosecutor stated that Sharad’s lawyer did not oppose the police remand order. Earlier on Tuesday, Sharad, accompanied by his lawyer, appeared before the Lokayukta police to record his statement. He was detained and arrested later that evening.