During the Inter Women’s Kabaddi Championship in Bathinda, Punjab, a shocking incident occurred involving female athletes from Tamil Nadu universities. Students from different universities like Mother Teresa University, Periyar University, Alagappa University, and Bharathiar University were allegedly assaulted by members of another team during a match.
Videos of the incident are circulating on social media were the situation was worsening, with spectators supporting the Darbhanga University team joining the fight. The footage also showed chairs being thrown and Tamil Nadu female athletes being attacked.
What was the incident?
The trouble reportedly started during a match between Mother Teresa University and Darbhanga University over a ‘foul’ called against the Tamil Nadu team.
When the Mother Teresa team appealed the decision, a heated argument broke out, during which the referee allegedly attacked one of the Tamil Nadu players. This escalated into a physical altercation, with members of both teams clashing.
Following the incident, Tamil Nadu’s Deputy Chief Minister and Sports Minister, Udhayanidhi Stalin, addressed the incident, calling it unfortunate but assuring the safety of the players.
He explained that as soon as the complaint was received, the Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu (SDAT) contacted local officials and the District Collector to ensure the athletes’ security.
Stalin confirmed that all 36 athletes from Tamil Nadu were safe and had left Bathinda for Delhi. They were staying at the Tamil Nadu House in Delhi and would soon return home.
“As soon as we got the complaint, we called the Coach. SDAT (Sports Development Authority of TamilNadu) contacted the District Collector and other officials to provide security to the players.
We do send physical directors and coaches to take care of facilities, unfortunately such an incident occurred,” he said. “They will stay in the Delhi House and will return to Tamil Nadu, all are safe,” he added.
While expressing regret over the incident, Stalin emphasised that necessary measures were being taken to prevent such occurrences in the future.