Saif Ali Khan was attacked by a burglar last week at his house in Bandra, Mumbai. He was rushed to the hospital where he underwent a surgery. During an interview, when Urvash Rautela was asked about the attack on Saif, the actress started speaking about it, but quickly moved the topic to how after the success of her film Daaku Maharaaj, her parents gifted her expensive watches.
The actress was trolled a lot on social media for the same, and she had later shared a note on Insta story apologizing to Saif. However, she deleted the story after a few hours.
Now, recently, during an interview with Filmfare, Urvashi opened up about the statement that she gave about Saif and expensive gifts. She said, "I think I should have been way more careful with the way I answered. I have to admit that I should have answered it more carefully. Also, the incident happened at 4 am (Saif's attack), and very next day my interviews happened at 8 am. So, I was completely kind of clueless. All I remember is that when I was waking up someone told me, he got hurt. I don't know the intensity of how he got hurt. I wasn't aware of the intensity of what all has happened with him."
"Till now, I don't know the exact story of what all has happened with him. So, if somebody is asking me, I don't know what to answer. Whatever I overheard, I just repeated that and then I came back to my film Daaku Maharaaj. I was there as a professional promoting my own film, and this random question came up my way. I should have said things differently. It was a very quick jump of thoughts. Obviously, I love my parents and I feel they are my god, so I got a bit too excited. Hindi mein bolte hai, josh mein hosh kho dena, shayad wahi hua mere saath. It wasn't a show off because if it would have been a show off, I wouldn't have shown a mini watch," the actress added.
Well, Urvashi has given a proper clarification from her side, and now, let's hope that she doesn't get trolled her this statement.
On the work front, the actress' Telugu film Daaku Maharaaj has been released in Hindi today. So, let's wait and watch what response it will get at the box office.